Ovarian Cancer

By: Dr. Abiye Whyte An elderly woman sat in a consulting room watching the door. Her appearance was neat and tidy: white blouse, fair hair tucked behind her ears. She glanced at the screen of her phone, on which displayed a messaging interface, and then looked back at the door again. It was four minutes… Continue reading Ovarian Cancer

Endometrial Polyps

An endometrial polyp or uterine polyp is an abnormal growth containing glands, stroma and blood vessels projecting from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) that occupies spaces small or large enough to fill the uterine cavity. Endometrial polyps are the most frequently observed pathological finding in the uterus and are usually benign lesions. Endometrial polyps… Continue reading Endometrial Polyps

Cancer of the Cervix

Introduction Cervical cancer is a squamous cell carcinoma in 90-95% of cases and an adenocarcinoma in the remaining 5-10%. It arises from either the ectocervix or from the endocervix. The site of the growth bears no relation to the histological type as some squamous carcinomas are found in the endocervical canal. Epidemiology Cancer of the… Continue reading Cancer of the Cervix

Cervical Insufficiency

Cervical insufficiency is a clinical diagnostic term that is synonymous with cervical incompetence and is classically defined as recurrent second-trimester pregnancy loss following painless cervical dilatation, attributed to the inability of the cervix to retain the gestation [1]. Cervical insufficiency occurs in the absence of uterine contractions or labour (painless cervical dilatation) and is usually… Continue reading Cervical Insufficiency